MMM is on the MOVE this fall!
Please read on for Fall 2022 Children's Tween and Teen registration information and details about our latest moves!

Registration Is Open for Fall 2022
"Young Yogis Mindful Adventures", "Tween Yoga & Mindfulness", "Teen Yoga Flow" & SRTM (Stress Reduction Through Mindfulness for Teens)

"Mini Movers" Pre-School Yoga & "Someone Who Loves Me and Me
classes to be announced

Please read the detailed message from the MMM Team below
As many of you may already know MMM started out almost 6 years ago as a program of yoga and mindfulness for children, tweens and teens.  The program was designed to introduce them to the challenging movement patterns of yoga and the concepts of mindfulness to improve not only physical strength, endurance and coordination but also to improve attention, focus, self-awareness, self regulation and so much more!   As MMM grew we moved into our “yoga home” at 1824 Gold Hill Road in late 2018 and as we did we added massage. Thank goodness we moved into our yoga house then because shortly thereafter we all hunkered down during the Covid pandemic and our yoga house gave us a solid place to hold our classes and programming as the environment morphed around us!
As we have "grown out" of the stages of pandemic, in many ways Movement Mindfulness and Mehas "grown up” as well!  Our children’s program continues to grow as MMM welcomed another therapist/children’s yoga teacher during summer camps and we will continue to teach up to 8 in-studio children's, tween, teen and family classes per week this fall.  Over the past 3 years, MMM has been invited to present our children's yoga and mindfulness program in various settings beyond our studio walls, we have been involved in many public speaking engagements, have provided specialty visits/programs to local schools and organizations and as a result of the virtual world we now offer corporate presentations through HR departments to introduce mindfulness and movement breaks to adults in the corporate setting!  Dawn continues to see private therapeutic yoga clients/families and to provide adaptive yoga to both children, young adults and adult groups each week!  As a team we love all of this sharing and educating!  

With the increasing opportunities to bring our yoga & mindfulness programming to alternate locations, to partner with local schools once again (Hooray!) and to be an active consulting partner with programs that support our local families, the team at MMM has made an exciting but difficult decision to be ON THE MOVE!  Don't worry - we are not going far from our current yoga house and we will still be local!  We are taking our Children's, Tween and Teen programming into local yoga studios here in Fort Mill and beyond!  

We are announcing today that we are partnering with
OM Yoga and 8th Limb Yoga
and will be offering our "Minl Movers, Young Yogis Mindful Adventures, Tween Yoga & Mindfulness, Teen and Teen SRTM classes at both locations during our upcoming
Fall I 2022 Session!

As a result of all of this growth and change, we have decided to separate the massage and the yoga aspects of Movement, Mindfulness and Me Family Yoga and Massage.  Summer camps, adult yoga and massage sessions will continue to be held at our 1824 Gold Hill Road location throughout the summer months (Yoga By the Lake continues as well too of course ).  After August, the Massage Therapists currently located at Movement Mindfulness and Me Family Yoga and Massage will continue at nearby locations to be announced shortly! 
This is all exciting and new and we realize that many of you will have questions. We are happy to take calls and texts at the studio, we will have extra hands on deck to respond and answer your texts and messages!  

We are excited about the places this change will take all aspects of the Movement Mindfulness and Me  programming and wish for it to be a smooth transition for all of our families! 
Register Here for 2022 Fall I Children's, Tween and Teen Sessions
"Mini Movers" (ages 4-6 Preschoolers)  and "Someone Who Loves Me and Me"  Toddler Yoga (ages 2-4 years) class times and locations will be announced shortly! 

Thank you!- we love our youngest yogis too! 
Yoga & Mindfulness in Schools with Movement Mindfulness and Me!  Movement based yoga for special programs, field days, Mindful School specialty instruction or staff education - we are happy to be out and about once more! 
  In the Community,   yoga and mindfulness builds self regulation and awareness of self and others in day and after school care centers, after school programs, home school groups, learning centers, school and libraries !
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