3/20 Update


Together We Breathe... Together We Will Get Through This Time...

To our valued MM&M Families & Community,
Thank you for your constant support and encouragement!  We appreciate all of the phone calls, emails and all of you who have made the choice to attend adult virtual classes with us this week.  We truly appreciate your support and want you to know that in a time when you could choose other classes from other sources, your choice to support your local studio means the world to us!  In this unprecedented time we will continue to rely on the support from our local community and your ongoing outreach. Thank you !

Adult and Teen Classes:
  • We have quite a few of our regular "Adult" and "Teen" classes available as live stream at this time- many of which can be shared and done with older elementary and tween aged kiddos.
  • This is not our preferred format, as you know, but there are so many things being done differently for this temporary time frame that we do encourage you to put down your mats together and take a break in the day! 
  • All Live Streaming Classes are only $10 from today on in consideration of current circumstances.
  • You can easily continue to use any package, purchase any packages or choose the "Online Live Streaming Class"  $10 drop-ins for our virtual classes on our website.
  • You can view the online schedule and register here.
Children's Classes:
An update as mentioned in our previous newsletter on 3/16...
  • Our Mini Movers,Young Yogi's Mindful Adventures and Tween Classes have been placed on hold at this time to observe Social Distancing guidelines and practice.
  • Classes will break for the next two weeks, the following week is FMSD Spring Break and our classes were closed. 
  • This results in a three week break with children's classes scheduled to resume April 14th. 
  • After that time, we are prepared to hold all children's classes virtually if necessary. (Of course, it is our hope that we will back to our preferred format of in person classes but want you to know we are dedicated and prepared to bring your children their weekly sessions as planned). 
  • Until that time Miss Lori and Miss Dawn will be reaching out via email, Facebook posts and newsletters to keep our families informed of any changes or added virtual events. 
  • We are working on creating some virtual experiences for our kiddos over these next two weeks- please stay tuned - We are excited to share but of course want to be prepared for your children as always!
Your support can help M,M and Me Family Yoga & Massage during this time by helping us remain operable. 
These are a few ways you can help...
  1. Maintain your memberships, packages and registrations
  2. Practice yoga with us online, schedule here
  3. Purchase Gift cards
  4. Help us promote our online classes by sharing personally with friends and family- even if they are not local to the area - thank you!
  5. Here's the fun one! Please post your pictures of yoga at home, feedback about online classes and any other mindfulness practices, kindness acts etc. that will continue to brighten a persons day on our Facebook page !  For every yoga, kindness, mindfulness post you post on MM& Me Facebook page we will enter you into a drawing for a $25 account credit!

Once again, we are so grateful for you sticking with us, your overwhelming love and support and we can't wait to open back up in person and see your smiling faces!

If you have any questions, comments or even helpful resources you could share, please reply back to this email or email info@movementmindfulnessandme.com.

We look forward to practicing with each of you again!

With Gratitude, Love and Light,
The Movement, Mindfulness and Me Team
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