4/1/20 Update


Brand New!
An E-Store Just for Our Young Yogis!

We are So Excited to Introduce Our
Brand New E-Store on our Website!

Parents and Caregivers...  You can now access a home version of your favorite Mini Movers (ages 4-5 years), Young Yogis Mindful Adventures (ages 5-8 and 8-10 years) or Tween (8-10years) class today for use at home now through April 15th! 

How Does It Work?

  1. Go to our website www.movementmindfulnessandme.com
  2. Go to the store in the upper right corner as in the picture above
  3. Choose ON DEMAND CHILDRENS CLASSES and choose the class for your childs age group
  4. Choose your "just right price" donation
  5. Read description of the delivery of this class and its use through April 15th
  6. Please share this opportunity with friends and family that are at home to. Maybe they are interested in yoga and mindfulness for their children or they may just need a break in their day! Send them an email or forward them this one. Please ask them to like our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates too!
  7. View a descriptive video in the link below for details too!


  • These items will be available for  your "just right price" purchase and use through April 15th.  
  • A "just right price" is the price that works for your family today. We truly want every child and family to have access to these classes and also to consider a donation for their use.
See Facebook Live Video Here

Thank you and Stayed Tuned...

We truly appreciate your patronage and ongoing support! Thank you!

As a small business, this unpredictable time has created many challenges for us as we have been forced to close our doors to the studio, reducing classes and cancelling individual sessions and massage appointments. Additionally, this has left our instructors with greatly diminished opportunity to earn income.  As we have served the community, we are now trying to serve our teachers as well as our families with ongoing virtual options.

We are humbly asking you, our clients, to continue to support our small business as we look forward to coming back to the studio for all adult and family based classes, massage apts, after school appointments, programs to seniors in our community and our spring school visits for PTO and PTA activities as soon as we can! 

Thank you and be well through these upcoming weeks.

Together we Breathe... and together we will get through.

With Light and Love,
The Movement, Mindfulness and Me Team

Purchase ON DEMAND Childrens Classes Here
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