Adult Winter 2023


January is
National Family Fit Lifestyle Month...
Why Not Try Recreational Yoga at the
Tega Cay Beach Club?

New to 8- Week Recreational Yoga with Movement Mindfulness and Me at the Tega Cay Beach Club?

If this is your first class with us- call or text the MMM office and trial a class on us!
  • All Classes are presented in an 8 Week session format and are held at the Tega Cay Beach & Swim Center
  • If you need to miss a class- no worries. Simply contact the office and request a make up class by date and time within the same 8-Week Session.  The MMM Staff will confirm with you and move you into the make up class!
  • Senior, First Responder or Veteran Be sure to ask about our discounts just for you before you register online!
Register Here!


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2764 Pleasant Road, Suite A #985, Fort Mill 29708
(Please note this is not the location of our classes)

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