Fall 2021 Childrens Session is Open for Enrollment


Enroll Your Child Today for MMM's Fall 2021 Session!

Enjoy Summer... Prepare for Fall!

MMM's signature Children's, Tween & Teen fall classes are enrolling now!  Please see detailed descriptions on our website through the link below!

Tuesdays      10:30am – 11:30am     Someone Who Loves Me & Me Little Yogis!              
                         4:30pm - 5:30pm       Young Yogis Mindful Adventures  ages 5-8
                         5:45pm - 6:45pm       Young Yogis Mindful Adventures  ages 8-10
Thursdays         4:30-5:30pm             Young Yogis Mindful Adventures ages 8-10
Thursdays         5:45-6:45pm             Tween Yoga and Mindfulness  ages 10-12
Fridays              10:15am-11:15am    Mini Movers  Pre-School Yoga ages 4-6
Sundays            2:15pm-3:15pm       Tween Yoga and Mindfulness  ages 10-12
Sundays            3:30pm-4:30pm       Teen Yoga and Mindfulness   ages 13-15

Please note class size will continue to be limited for our Fall 2021 Session- Thank you!

All yoga and mindfulness classes include physical activity to promote strength, balance, coordination, visual focus and more through various yoga poses, as well as multiple opportunities to develop mindfulness and complimentary social emotional skills! 

Classes are written individually to be age-appropriate and include books, stories, games, etc. and all end with a time period of stillness to introduce our children to the concept of breath and movement as a way to calm the body and organize the brain. For older children,we introduce concepts of anxiety reduction throughout each class andin this time of stillness as well.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions at info@movementmindfulnessandme.com We are happy to help our families find the "just right" class for their children!
Register Here for Your Child's Fall Class!
5 to 8 Years Young Yogis!

Someone Who Loves Me & Me!

8 to 10 Years Young Yogis!
As always we appreciate your sharing your experiences with us with others!  It continues to be our mission to bring natural and fun experiences that teach self- awareness, impulse control and overall life- balance to the children and families in our local area!

Please forward this email and invite others to join in our classes- we will happily add more classes each week as enrollment grows again after this last year of Covid challenges! 

With Love, The Movement, Mindfulness and Me Family Yoga & Massage Team!
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