Fall- Yoga for ARthritis and Aryuveda


Brings Yoga for Arthritis and Ayurveda to MMM!

Yoga For Arthritis Begins with a Complimentary Trial Class
on 9/22 at 5:30 pm

Dawn Boland, Registered Yoga Teacher and Reiki Master, will lead us through a 6-week series of Yoga For Arthritis.

Class will be each Wednesday at 5:30- 6:30pm

  • Series I will occur 9/27, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3
  • Series II will occur 11/10, 11/17, 11/ 24, 12/1,12/8, 12/15
Class will be limited to 5 persons for social distancing and masks will be requested for all participants and instructor will wear a mask. 
  • 6-Week series participation will be $84
  • Drop in Fee will be $16 per class if space permits.
Register Here to Join the Trial Yoga For Arthritis Class!

Is joint pain affecting your quality of life?      
Well, you are not alone...

According to the CDC, over 50 million Americans have Arthritis. Living with the condition is never easy: From swollen joints to chronic pain, it can easily change the simplest activities into an uncomfortable experience. What if there was a way you could counter the pain and get back the free and exciting life you once lived?

Yoga may be heaven-sent just for you! For years, Yoga for arthritis has proven to be very effective if done properly.

Why Yoga?

Arthritis often generates stiffness, pain, and swelling in joints. This minimizes the range of motion considerably and limits your daily tasks. This is where yoga comes in handy; it can help with arthritis relief by enhancing joint mobility, minimizing pain as well as managing anxiety and stress.

Yoga for arthritis classes will encourage improved flexibility, relaxation, strengthening muscles, and improved knowledge about your body and posture.

All these benefits will go a long way in helping counter pain, increase joint range motion, and improve joint function.

Why Does Yoga Work?

The yoga poses you perform if you have arthritis are different from those performed by other people. The poses will take into consider any joint problems that you currently have.

The main objective is to work on the affected regions painlessly and gently while still doing so effectively.

Dawn will guide you through mild and simple poses to help you support the affected joints while reducing effort with the help of props.  Breathing techniques will also be introduced that can be practiced off of your mat, relaxing your body even after you leave each class.

 NEW 90 Minute WORKSHOP- $10

Introduction to Ayurveda...
Can You Bring More Natural Balance into Your Life through the Fall Months Ahead?
 Join Carrie Steele, a certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor for a workshop introducing Ayurveda and the Ayurvedic approach
to staying balanced in the Fall Season
  • What are the qualities of Fall?
  • How do they affect us?
  • How do we balance our diet and lifestyle in the Fall?
Sunday, Sept 26th 12:30- 2:00 pm

$10 per person with $10 credit towards private consultation

Register For "Balance During Pumpkin Spice Season" Here!
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