Last Day for Camp Early Bird 6/2020


 What a Summer!
Are you ready for camp?

  Today is the last day for Early Bird Registration 
and spots are filling quickly! 

Summer Camps start in July from 9am until Noon with limited capacity per camp and spots are booking! We are so looking forward to seeing some new and some familiar faces in our camps this summer!  Early Bird rate is $199.99

6 Benefits Kids Take Away From Yoga Camp:

1. Kids are excited about the idea of doing yoga.

One of the things often said about yoga is that the poses are supposed to be things our bodies do naturally. When you gather children together you can see that is so true! Kids can do these pretzel poses that adults can’t do, and they get excited to put their bodies to full use.

2. You’re setting up a healthy foundation.

My kids, now 15 and 18, went through phases where yoga wasn’t cool  because it was what mom and her friends did … I always knew deep inside that they would come back to it in some form when they needed it. Whether the breath practice or by taking movement (evening a different form) to balance their feelings and relate tensions.  Now one is an instructor and the other just began practicing again with her friends- take heart that they’ll come back around to what you expose them to early in life! 

3. It’s just plain fun.

In our classes and camps, children learn poses inspired by animals, plants, the ocean and more1 We read yoga stories to make the practice easier to recall and share with family and friends. We love partner poses like holding hands in a forest of tress even those these are on hold for this summer camp!  Our campers also love going upside down for inversions and if we have child who is hesitant - oh the pride they feel when they challenge themselves at their own pace and are encouraged by the supportive people around them!  There’s also story time, acting out a yoga story, a craft project, snack time and time to lead the group if desired!   Camp is time for fun and playtime and even with restrictions we will be making room for “FUN with YOGA”!

4. It allows them to release tension about and prepares them for the demands of the school year.

The children practice and begin to learn tips for quieting the mind through yoga games that increase their ability to sit still, concentrate, and listen internally. All helpful tools in todays demanding world.

5. Yoga builds confidence.

Even after learning one small part, like being able to balance on one leg in Tree Pose, kids will come out of class and say and "look what I can do!" This pride is really powerful for children and can totally change the way they view themselves! 

6. It helps them slow down and "chill out".

“Don't forget the rest part …ok?”  is heard so many times! The children are wiggly at first, but once we do the poses, breathing, mindfulness activities, and group work, by the time we all get to guided savasana they’ve learned ability of stillness. They appreciate it and love it and they’ll rest there quietly. Sometimes our parents can’t even believe it. It’s a great trick for winding down at the end of the day or in the morning when they’re getting ready and focused for school.

Additional camp information can be found under Updates on our home page or by calling the studio anytime (803)470-4533. Thank you!

Register for Camps Here
We understand that some of our families are not certain about their summer decisions just yet.  We respect and honor that.   Our regular cancellation policy is listed below as well as a modified version for the summer of 2020 camps:

"A space is being held in Summer Camp with limited space available. A refund will only be granted, minus a $50 administration fee, by contacting the office, 803-470-4533, 48 hours BEFORE the first day of camp begins. No refunds will be provided after that time period."
Due to  the COVID-19 situation we are reducing the administration fee for cancellation to $25 for all camps held the summer of 2020. We are requiring notice by the Wednesday prior to camp start during this time period as well to allow time to contact the next family on the waiting list. Thank you for your understanding!
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