Mighty Men Mindful Movers Update 4/25/18


8 Limbs of Yoga 

Happy Week 4 of Mindful Movers Mighty Men!!! 
 Time goes by so fast! 

What a great time it has been getting to know each of the boys in this session! 

We have focused each week on Mindfulness lessons designed to teach the boys ways to identify and tame those thoughts, anxieties and worries that may draw them away from the present moment.  Theses lessons have included mindful breathing, "Anchor Breath", among other breathing techniques as well as Mindful Listening,  Heart-feltness, Emotions and
Labeling Our Thoughts.

All of these lessons provide the boys the means to identify what is happening, what they are feeling and how they are reacting at any given time!   As young people in 2018-  our kiddos are unintentionally learning to be distracted and they often move rapidly from one thing (thought, action or activity) to the other.  These "things" are keeping their attention until the next stimulus ( thought action or activity) pulls them away.   Our lesson last week and the upcoming Body Scan lesson for this week can be challenging to a fast moving and easily distracted brain- but thats the point.  We are practicing reigning in thoughts and redirecting them back to what is "necessary". 

 What a powerful thing when we are aware of our physical "feelings"/sensations, our thoughts (think wild puppies running all over) and eventually our our emotional "feelings" and realize that we can have the power of choice over them all!   BUT this takes practice and is challenging even for most adults!  I'd like to applaud every single person in this session- they are all honestly doing their best to practice the skills we are learning and
you should be very proud of them!


We have been talking about the 8 Limbs of Yoga as the weeks progress... and will continue to do so.  I know this is a lot of information but each drop that is soaked up by each child counts...  Yama's and Niyama's (being kind to yourself and others), Pratyahra and Pranyama  (control of your senses- think reactions and breathing) and Dharana (concentration).  Today we will talk more about Asana's - the poses of yoga.  We will change gears a bit and practice more "poses" and flow through yoga sequences more and more!  
We have explored changing our "power" and feelings through breath and mindfulness and we will now focus on changing our feelings through movement and breath-  AKA Asanas.   These techniques, like all sports or talents, take time and effort to put into practice. 

I am excited to lead this group through more yoga sequences and send them home with a pose of the week the next four weeks! Be on the look out and maybe even review these at home and ask how they feel about each pose!
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A fabulously simple picture book- we reference in all Mindful Movers Classes.

 Please see above link if you would like to read more about this book and yoga for our children!

I will be encouraging everyone to continue to carve out time at home once daily for "quiet" or meditation time and will also be encouraging them to experiment with some simple sun salutations a few times a week between our sessions. 

Warmest wishes from the Movement, Mindfulness and Me team today and everyday! 

"Building flexibility inside and out through play and mindful movement moments everyday!"
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