Mothers DAy 2021


Bring Mom to Yoga Sunday or Treat Her to a Restorative Class on Monday!

Join Hali and a fabulous group celebrating "MOM"

Register online to "Bring Mom to Yoga " Sunday at 4pm.

Enjoy  a break mid afternoon on Mothers Day at the Tega Cay Beach Club!  Practice with the beautiful lake as your backdrop and then head out to celebrate more time with mom!

This  mixed level class will be suitable for those with some yoga experience and will offer cuing and challenges to those who have been practicing for years!
Register For Either Class Here

Perhaps a "Mom"  Monday fits better ? 

We have added a new class on Mondays! 
Restorative Yoga with Erica at 10:45 am

Enjoy a break mid-morning on Mondays!

This  Restorative class is suitable for all abilities and no yoga experience is required!   Class is enjoyed in mostly floor postures, using bolsters, blocks and blankets to support the body as gravity assists in poses that promote relaxation of the mind and body.

Use Trial code TryMMMYoga to trial your first class complimentary!
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