New Classes AND Child Care!

Thank you for a great first month in our new home!  

New Adult Classes, Childcare Trial, Spring Session & Extended Massage Hours!

...New classes for adults beginning next week!

We are excited to announce the addition of 2 Mixed Level Flow classes for our adults!

9:15 on Mondays with Erica
9:15 on Thursdays with Katie

These classes will begin on 3/11 and 3/14! 
To trial your first class for free register using the code TryMMMYoga

... Childcare!
M,M and Me will offer a trial period of Childcare during March and April!

Trial childcare will be available during our Monday 9:15 class, our Wednesday 1:15 Yoga Basics and Beyond classes and Thursday 9:15 class from this Wednesday 3/6 - 4/10. If this is a desirable service childcare will be made available ongoing to best serve our families!

Childcare will be a $5 fee for first child and an additional $2 for each sibling in attendance*
*No Additional  Unlimited Family Members fees included in monthly rate.

Childrens Spring Sessions Begin April 1st!

We have had a fabulous Winter Session and hope to see many familiar and some new faces for our 8 week Spring Session!

Registration will be open for those with unlimited Family Memberships March 6th and general registration will open March 11th- 15th! 

*Class schedule will remain the same from the Winter Session for planning purposes

Let's Not Forget Massage!

We are so happy to welcome Suzanne Simpson to our massage therapy team!

Massage Hours have expanded to include Mondays and Fridays*!  *Please call to request late afternoon or evening appointments as well!

  Use the code SPRINGMASSAGE at checkout to save 20% to welcome Suzanne!

Let's Get Started
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