School’s Starting! Fall 2022


Fall 2022 Children's, Tween & Teen After School Yoga Sessions
Begin Tuesday!

All Classes have ongoing and pro-rate enrollment!

New to our Movement Mindfulness & Me Classes?
Trial a complimentary class this coming week!

Simply call or email us using the CONTACT US button below!
Leave your name, phone number, your child's name, & which class you wish to trial! 

Movement, Mindfulness and Me Family Yoga

Children’s, Tween & Teen Yoga and Mindfulness Sessions 2022 Fall I Session
* Please Note our New Locations this Fall

*All Children’s & Tween Classes run in 8-week sessions. Each child is registered & attends the same day & time each week. Ongoing enrollment available until each class fills.

Tuesday: At OM YOGA*
3:15-4:15 pm “Young Yogi’s Mindful Adventures”   5 to 8 yrs**
4:30-5:30 pm  Tween Yoga & Mindfulness” Class   10 to 13yrs **

Wednesday: At OM YOGA *
3:15-4:15 pm  “Young Yogi’s Mindful Adventures” 8 to 10 yrs**
4:30-5:30 pm  “Young Yogi’s Mindful Adventures” 5 to 8 yrs**

Thursday: At 8th Limb Yoga*
3:15-4:15 pm  “Young Yogi’s Mindful Adventures” 5 to 8 yrs**
4:30-5:30 pm  “Young Yogi’s Mindful Adventures” 8 to 10 yrs**

Friday: TBA - Classes to begin in late August
“Mini Movers” Pre-School Yoga & Mindfulness 4 to 6 yrs**
“Someone Who Loves Me and Me” 2 to 4 years**

Sundays: At 8th Limb Yoga*
2:15-3:15 pm  "Tween Yoga & Mindfulness Class" 10 to 13 yrs **
3:30-4:30 pm   Rotating Teen Sessions- Teen Yoga Flow  4 weeks

 Followed by 4 weeks of SRTM (Stress Reduction for Teens through


**Age Ranges are approximate. Please feel free to give us a call!

Register for Classes Here !
Contact Us Here for Trail Class or ?'s
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"Young Yogis Mindful Advetnures", "Tween Yoga" and "Teen Flow"  classes take on a deeper dedication to exploring mindfulness and what this current "buzz" word means to our young people today!  Each session consists of an 8-week series of classes which encourages practice each week and each class is led by a Registered Children's Yoga Teacher.

Each class begins with a moment of arrival and awareness to leave the day "behind" and become present in the class setting.  This moment of arrival is followed by a series of yoga movements/games and closing includes a time of relaxation.  The lessons are designed to develop self-regulation skills, strengthen the ability to sustain attention, enhance compassion toward themselves and others, & much more. Children are encouraged to discover the ability to anchor themselves when things seem out of control, practicing the skills that are helpful in reducing anxiety and stress. Through movements, stillness, stories, and games, the children mindfully explore their inner and outer worlds, while cultivating beneficial life skills!
 Classes are held in welcoming and comfortable settings, in local yoga studios in the Fort Mill SC area, with small numbers in attendance. Classes focus on building a solid social-emotional foundation. Sessions include lessons on Self-management (self-regulation, self-awareness, body awareness, Coping strategies (maintain emotional balance), Resiliency (perseverance, growth mindset), Compassion for self and others (kindness practices), Attention/focus skills (managing our busy minds, staying in the zone),  and Listening to the body's signals (recharging their bodies and minds). 

All of the Movement, Mindfulness and Me classes are designed to encourage children to  "tune in" to their Inner "Cheerleader" and less to their Inner "Critic"!

Did you know that Movement Mindfulness and Me loves to provide outreach programming?   If you are a leader of a  PTO/PTA or are involved with any organization that serves children and families we would love to partner with you to bring a yoga and mindfulness program to your group!

Contact us today at and lets plan a great event or custom program for your group this fall!
Contact Us Here
Happy Back to School To All!

Best Wishes from The MMM Team
Copyright © *2022* *Movement, Mindfulness and Me*, All rights reserved.
(803) 675-5300

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