Spring Session & SUMMER CAMP Time! Adult Fundraiser for local APT Playground! (copy 01)



Enrollment is open now and classes begin March 29th and run through June 1st.  Click below to register!
  • Please be sure to add your child to your account and register as your child - our classes are by age range and the classes may not appear to you until you are logged in as your child.
  • If you have any challenges please email Admin@movementmindfulnessandme.com and we will be happy to assist you.
All families currently enrolled who are booking a consecutive 8 week children's series receive a 10% discount when your spring session is booked prior to April 1st!

Please contact us via email at admin@movementmindfulnessandme.com and we will be happy to register your child and apply this "returning customer loyalty discount"!
Click Here for Children's Spring Series- Please Use Blue Navigation Bar to Choose Age Appropriate Series

School's Out...Now What? 
More Yoga Of Course!

Join us at "the little yoga house" for our summer camps!
  • Participants will have fun with games, arts and craft based activities, songs and yoga all with an underlying lessons in mindfulness.
  •  9am-12pm Monday through Friday.
  • Children will need to bring a yoga mat, water bottle and a nut free snack each day.
$199 per student ($175 Early Bird discount through April 15th)
June 10th - Mini Movers (Ages 4-6) Summertime - Let's Beach It!
June 17th- Young Yogis (Ages 8-12) Yoda & the Yoga Force!
June 24th- Young Yogi's (Ages 5-8) Super-Hero's, Princesses, Dragons, Unicorns & More!
July 22nd- Young Yogi's (Ages 5-8) Building Blocks of Yoga!
August 5th- Mighty Middle Schoolers- (Ages 10-12) Discover You and Your Power of Self!  (self regulation, self created focus and attention, awareness of others, etc!)
Please be sure to add your child to your account and register as your child - our classes are by age range and the classes may not appear to you until you are logged in as your child. If you have any challenges please email Admin@movementmindfulnessandme.com and we will be happy to assist you.
Let's Go to Summer Camp!
Current Adult Classes:
  • Mixed Level Flow - Monday* & Thursday at 9:15
  • Deep Stretch Yoga - Wednesday* at 12:00
  • Yoga Basics and Beyond- Wednesday* at 1:15
Please check back often as we continue to add more classes!
* - Child care offered at these times ($5 for one child and $7 for two) as a trial in March and April!
Please Save the Date for an
All Levels Flow Fundraiser for
Wednesday March 20th and 27th at 7pm!

Let's Not Forget Massage!

We are so happy to welcome Suzanne Simpson to our massage therapy team!

Massage Hours have expanded to include Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays* and every other Saturday! 
*Please call to request late afternoon or evening appointments as well!

  Use the code SPRINGMASSAGE as a new client to save 20% during March and April to welcome Suzanne!

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