TEEN CLASSES! 6:30 Tonight and ongoing Mondays!


May Mondays -Teen Yoga @ 6:30 

Join us for a Teen Only yoga class every Monday through May and into June!

Recent research from the Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics shows that even high-school students can cash in on the same benefits that older yogis do.

At the end of a ten week study, researchers found that high school students who participated in the yoga offering during PE class scored better on psychological tests screening for anxiety, depression, and mood imbalances than the teens that did not. The teens who participated in yoga reported fewer negative emotions than those who didn’t participate in yoga during the ten week study. How amazing is that? (* Do You Yoga?)

  • Yoga builds strength, increases flexibility, lengthens the muscles, increases coordination and balance, builds core stability, and can help students’ posture rebound from a day hunched over a desk (or a smartphone!).
  • Yoga can help teens mentally refocus on the task at hand. By practicing living in the moment on the mat, teenagers can more fully concentrate on the present moment off the mat.
  • By practicing present moment living on the mat, high school students will have a better sense of their emotions.In addition to connecting you with your emotions, yoga encourages self-love and self-acceptance. 
  • Teenagers who practice yoga show more positive moods, less anxiety and depression, and greatly enjoy asana practice.  With the stress and anxiety of exams, placement tests, speeches and all of the other pressures that plague high school kids today, yoga can be a step in the right direction.
  • Yoga breeds connection- it means union in Sanskrit. By understanding that each and every single person is one, perhaps teens will learn to accept one another more fully, no matter their clique, social interests or popularity ranking.
Join us

Call us to trial a FREE Class 

(803) 470-4533
Speak to us or leave a message to add your teens name to the Monday Night class list! 
Trial your first class on us and then join us each week! 


 Purchase a STUDENT PASS on our website!  Classes are only $8  when a pass is purchased and the Pass is valid on all adult classes all summer long in addition t o the Monday night TEEN ONLY class! 

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