Holiday Week :)


Holiday Week Classes!

Squeeze a Moment in for Yourself this Week ! 

Like most, this week means extra time at home for us and we
 are happy to have a little extra time with our families to take a break, slow down and enjoy the holiday season!  


 We couldn't go the whole week without a little yoga...
so check out the picture above from this mornings class and
if you are in town consider joining us for a

Mixed Levels Vinyasa class Tuesday 12/29 or Saturday 1/2 @ 9 AM! 

*Please note these classes are a little later than our usual Saturday classes :)
Register for Class Here!

Holiday Teen Classes This Week Continue!

-Tuesday 12/29 at 10:15 am

-Saturday 1/2 at 10:15 am

Join in anytime!  First Class?
Always use the code TryMMMYoga when you register online to check out a class on us!

Happy Holiday Week to All! 
Warmest Wished for a Happy  & Healthy 20201


We truly appreciate each and every one of you!  We look forward to moving into 2021 with joyful abundance for all!

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