Morning Adult Class Reminder!


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9:15  Mixed Flow Yoga

 Mondays and Thursdays!

Child Watch available for these classes so share this email with a friend and come out to yoga to start your day!

Yoga Basics and Beyond

Wednesday 1:15 

Child Watch available for these classes so share this email with a friend and come out to yoga to start your day!

Deep Restorative Stretch

Wednesdays at Noon

Restorative yoga is a practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. If you take a restorative class, you move slowly, doing just a few postures in the course of an hour. It is a completely different experience than most contemporary yoga.  However, much like a more active yoga class, you will move through forward folds, back-bends, twists and side bends, except you will be supported!

During the long holds of restorative yoga, however, your muscles are allowed to relax deeply. It's a unique feeling because props, rather than your muscles, are used to support your body. Restorative classes are very mellow, making them a good complement to more active practices and an excellent way to handle life stresses.

Chair to Mat Yoga

Mondays at 10:30
Fridays at 8:30

Chair yoga is an ideal exercise for those suffering from conditions, such as chronic pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoporosis, and multiple sclerosis. It may also benefit people over a certain age who have trouble moving through the up and down motions of traditional yoga. Chair yoga allows them to stay stabilized. Yoga offers a myriad of benefits with increased flexibility,  weight loss and an improved mental state. It’s particularly important for elderly people to implement practices such as chair yoga into their routines.

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