Teen Yoga Classes

These classes are designed as a way for our teens to relax, recharge and learn to reorder their energy levels with yoga. We will practice yoga postures, yoga flows and breath patterns.  Teens will learn how breath affects our state of mind, feelings of anxiety and peace,  and even learn a bit about communication with oneself and others. Most importantly, and often most needed, is the time of savasana or guided relaxation at the close of the class. Teaching our teens to remember and recall these moments during their everyday hustle and bustle is a powerful and often needed “survival” tip for the teen years!

Class Descriptions

Teen Level 1

When is the last time you walked into a class and were taught how to do downward dog or warrior one? Probably never! This class is designed as a way for teens to learn better alignment and form in postures as well as get a flow-sequenced class, all in one hour. We begin by breaking down a few key poses, then have a 30 minute vinyasa-flow practice incorporating those postures. This way, students can learn how to prevent injury and increase benefits through proper form in their practice. This is a great place to start if this is your first yoga class ever or if you have been practicing for awhile join this class to review alignment and breakdown poses.  This class is a great addition to your busy weekly schedule!

Currently on hold. This class will be added back to the schedule as studio hours continue to increase and class size limits are lifted.

Stress Reduction for Teens through Mindfulness (SRTM) 

As a parent, you have probably noticed that your teen is experiencing increased stress. Academic workload can steeply incline during this period as can the expectations from competitive sports and peer groups. This places a large load on what is called their executive functioning skills. While teens crave the independence of adults, their brain is still wired for impulsivity at this stage.

Classes at MMM are designed to make teens more aware, or “mindful”, of these aspects and to introduce techniques to manage everyday life stressors. In all of our sessions there is an emphasis on the following:

Self Talk and Affirmations, which bring awareness and change the narrative of what might be “negative“ thinking to more “realistic/opportunity-based” thinking.

Practice of Yoga Postures and Breathing. This creates an opportunity to practice a state of non-judgment (neither good nor bad—just responding to now). Teens also actively practice reducing stress physically through breath. They learn to observe their thoughts in a calm environment, which can eventually lead to them using less reactive behaviors.

Goal Setting with Intentions and Journaling. This allows teens to reflect with conscious thought. They are asked to observe their own feelings instead of listing what they have been taught are the “correct” feelings and goals. This introduces the concept that the performance or the outcome of a goal does not need to be interpreted as the final conclusion of their abilities. For example, receiving a C- as a final grade in math, does not have to be interpreted as: “I’m horrible at math!” Practicing mindfulness reinforces for teens that they can consciously tweak their choices. This promotes a positive mindset by illustrating their ability to shape their future.

This 4 week session will be held periodically throughout the year. 

4- Week Series 

Sunday 3:30PM-4:30PM

Teen Flow

The teen years are a time of tremendous changes- both physically and mentally and often a time of tremendous anxiety. Do you remember the pressures you felt as a teen? In 2019 a teens life consists of so many things… academics, sports, extra curriculars, after school jobs, drama with family and friends and of course technology that is ever changing and always present. All of these things fight for our teens attention and time.

This class is designed as a way for our teens to relax, recharge and learn to reorder their energy levels with yoga. We will practice yoga, practice breathing and anti anxiety techniques and even learn a bit about communication. Most importantly and often most needed is the time of Savasana or guided relaxation at the close of the class. Teaching our teens to remember and recall these moments during their everyday hustle and bustle is a powerful and often needed “survival” tip for the teen years!

Class Schedule TBD

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