

Standing Your Ground

January 15th, April 16th, July 16th & October 22nd

Finding Your Balance

February 19th, May 21st, August 20th & November 19th

Reaching for the Stars

March 19th, June 18th, September 24th & December 17th

Nourish to Flourish

5 Weeks – Next session to be announced

Strong Mind Strong Body

April 24th

Effort & Ease

May 15th

Event details

Standing Your Ground

Create a solid foundation for growth and healing by bringing yourself into the present moment – the here and now. Grounding invites you to bring your focus to what is happening to you moment by moment, instead of being trapped by thoughts that are causing you to feel anxious. There is no “wrong” way to ground yourself, the focus is to connect your mind and body so they can work together more effectively. 

Grounding helps with:

  • Staying in the present moment instead of worrying about the past or future
  • Resetting when you find yourself feeling overwhelmed
  • Creating calm when circumstances are chaotic

Explore a selection of grounding exercises including visualization and movement you can draw upon when you find yourself becoming overwhelmed or distracted by distressing memories, thoughts or feelings. 

January 15th, April 16th, July 16th & October 22nd


Finding Your Balance

How do you create balance in your life?

Life demands balance, we constantly strive for stability in our job, our relationships, and ourselves. If one part of your life is out of balance, the rest of your life rushes in to restore harmony. It can be challenging to solve life’s dilemmas when keeping your balance demands your full attention. Create a sense of balance and equilibrium in your body and your life through an experiential journey of movement and music designed to awaken and inspire.

Are you ready to explore a comfortable ebb and flow that allows you to flex with daily changes and challenges?

  • You have multiple priorities
  • You feel like you are never ‘done’, there is always something left unfinished
  • You crave time to take a break for self care
  • You want to develop a calmer, less stressful way of approaching life’s challenges

A series of guided visualizations and movements invites you to explore ways to balance as you navigate life’s challenges. Each movement pattern is designed to create a sense of balance and equilibrium in your body and your life patterns. 

February 19th, May 21st, August 20th & November 19th


Reaching for the Stars

Dreams are like stars…you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny. –Unknown

Tap into the power of your subconscious to assist you in creating a life you desire. As we intentionally visualize a desired outcome and step into the belief that it is possible, our brains increase the motivation to make it happen. We become more and more determined to do whatever it takes to achieve our goals.

It may seem too simple; for some it may seem too “out there,” but the act of visualizing your dreams can make them more achievable.

Are you ready to set your intention and manifest your dreams? 

  • You want to lean into your highest good
  • You are ready to remove what’s blocking you from success
  • You crave time to take a break for self care
  • You want to develop a calmer, less stressful way of approaching life’s challenges

Incorporating practices from the previous two workshops, you complete your journey with creative visualization and affirmation of your highest good. Guided movement, spontaneity, and improvisation facilitate deep opening and healing.

March 19th, June 18th, September 24th & December 17th


Nourish to Flourish

Emotional Eating Support, Healthy Food Habits, and Body Positivity

For anyone who identifies with being a Woman 

Two Separate Groups Teens & Adults to run concurrently

Your Guides: 

Sara Cain-da Costa, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach & E-RYT500 & Wendy Swanson, Licensed Acupuncturist & E-RYT500

With compassion, love and a healthy dose of accountability develop:

  • A positive relationship with food 

  • Sustainable healthy eating habits

  • Love for the miracle of your body rather than its imperfections

Each week will be tailored to meet the unique needs of our teens and our adults. Learn invaluable tools and gain insights that will sustain you for the rest of your life. 

Stop feeling bad about what you’re eating & what your body looks like, just enjoy it. You will be amazed at where this will lead you.

New dates to be announced


Strong Mind, Strong Body

Building strength mentally & physically through mindfulness, breathwork & learning modifications for various postures to build strength and bring attention the power of the 3 B’s: brain, body & breath.

April 24th


Effort & Ease

Active vs. Passive Poses practicing each & incorporating both into a flow to balance out the effort & ease of your Yoga practice.

May 15th


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