
by the Lake

This summer Movement, Mindfulness & Me Family Yoga will host yoga classes at the Tega Cay Beach Club on Lake Wylie!

Classes are $10 with advanced registration requested through the link below.  A Yoga by the Lake Summer Pass is available for $100 (Buy 10 get 2 free).  If it is your first time practicing with MMM, please bring a printed and signed waiver with you. The waiver can be found here.  

Saturdays at 8:00am

Classes will be mixed level and appropriate for beginners with cueing provided to take your practice to a higher level if you desire!

Adults, Teens and children, who are practicing along side their adult, are welcome.

Pay $10 per class or buy a Summer Pass*

  • Adults Yoga By the Lake Pass (2 Free Classes) $100

  • Children, Tweens and Teens  (ages 9 + with an adult) Unlimited Saturdays Yoga By the Lake $80 (4 Free Classes)

  • Passes available upon checkout when registering.

  • Contact the studio for assistance purchasing a pass if needed

  • Classes will not occur during inclement weather

 *Must Purchase Pass by 5/31/23


Start your Saturday with an energizing workout while enjoying one of the best Lake views in Tega Cay

  • Students must bring their own yoga mat, blocks if needed (recommended for beginning yogis) and water bottles.  
  • All classes will be held outdoors on the Tega Cay Park property. Tega Cay resident parking pass is required for parking at the Beach Club. Non Tega-Cay residents can receive a temporary parking pass for each class and these will be collected at class end. 
  • Classes will be canceled due to inclement weather and this will be posted on the Facebook page when possible.
  • Each class will be $10 per participant.
  • Each Class will max at 40 participants.
  • Registration is requested at least one hour before class time
  • Same Day Registration can pay via:

Location: Tega Cay Beach Club 4088 Beach Club Ln, Tega Cay SC 29708

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